February 2019
Homeownership is not for everyone. And that’s ok. Everyone talks about pride in ownership and the American Dream but I personally understand that sometimes it just doesn’t make sense. Sometimes you have to make decisions for you and your family that go against the norm. Sometimes this is a transitional period for those that are just starting out or are new to the area.
There are many communities in the Smyrna/Clayton area that have rental properties including apartment’s complexes. According to Housing and Housing Statistics in Smyrna, DE. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2016, from http://www.livability.com/de/smyrna/real-estate/housing
“Owners make up 60.7% of housing units. 32.2% of the housing units are occupied by renters.” They house singles, retirees, young couples, and families from many cultures and backgrounds. Some are locals and some are transplants. Many 55+ communities are new to this area and really speak to the need for us to redefine our “neighborly” obligations.
The key to our success in ensuring that the community grows and thrives is that we appreciate and acknowledge those differences but more importantly that we come together with one common goal. Facing the challenges that come with growth requires that we step up to those challenges.
Regardless of who we are or where we originally come from one thing is for certain…We are all Smyrna/Clayton Community Members. Homeowners and tenants alike have the same ability to impact those they come in contact with.
It is my goal to understand that everyone has different housing needs depending on their situation and offer them guidance, education and understanding regardless of our differences. In doing so, the Smyrna/Clayton community will continue to become a place that provides a vast array of amenities for all its residents.
Smyrna/Clayton has experienced a lot of growth in a short period of time and staying focused on maintaining a small town feel yet embracing the changes that come with more people is the key to our success. With the local population expected to triple by 2020 we are in a position to make a difference and what better way to invest in our investment then to commit to being active in our community.
I believe that homeownership and civic participation go hand in hand. Pride in community equals pride in ownership and vice versa; thus resulting in not only a feeling of belonging but promotes a more secure future for the next generation of Smyrna/Clayton community members.
According to the National Association of Realtors research supports views that “homeownership brings substantial social benefits to families, communities and the nation. Homeownership increases the educational performance of children, encourages higher involvement in volunteering activities, improves health, and lowers crime rates.”
Another piece of the puzzle is to stay informed about the current market, local market trends, current interest rates and community growth and development. These valuable “need to know” tools are necessary in ensuring our financial securities.
Combining education with action is smart.
With that being said, we not only have an obligation in maintaining and improving our homes but it is just as imperative that we maintain and improve our community.
Not a day goes by that I do not worry about the future of my children and grandchildren and as a 30+ year resident of Smyrna/Clayton I am vested in what matters to them, matters to me.
As a Realtor, my belief is that the housing market will continue to gain momentum so that the homeowners that purchased during the housing bubble can move up, move out or move on. It looks like interest rates remaining at their record lows can help the dream come true for those that were negatively affected.
For first time home buyers it is good news for you as well. Getting more home for your money is not going to last but for now why not take advantage? The key being that just because you qualify for a certain amount doesn’t mean you would be comfortable with the monthly payment. Consider your options because being “mortgage poor” may not be in your best interest.
What keeps me excited and motivated about the future is that Smyrna/Clayton has the potential to knock it out of the park by creating opportunities that bring positive change to the community. If we have the resources to live, work and play here then we are more vested. The more vested we are, the more others will want to live work and play here too.
The future for my children and grandchildren depend on it.
I don’t pretend to have all the answers to life’s questions but I do believe that part of makes us who we are is where we come from. Although I am what is called a “transplant” to the Smyrna/Clayton area all that I have and all that I value is “here”. This wonderful place is home to three generations in my family and in being so requires that I make it my duty to care.
Caring is defined as “displaying kindness and concern for others”. I would like to challenge those in the community to take this a step further by committing to ourselves and others in actions and words that make a difference to those in your community. They say it takes a village to raise a child and I believe this is so. What do you think it takes to raise a community? Do you believe our children, our neighbors, our town is worth taking the extra step?
What better way to start the New Year then to invest in our future, today? One person at time can create an environment so that where we come from is paramount when deciding where we go from here.
Please join me in being “the key that unlocks the door” to our mutual success.
Crystal has lived, worked, and played in Delaware for the last 40 years and has been a Smyrna resident for 30. She has raised five children and is actively involved in her eight grandchildren’s lives. Crystal enjoys spending time with family, loves to cook and likes to work outdoors. Sharing quality time with her husband, Louis, of 19 years and travelling together is another joy in her life. She continues to strive to become a better person today than she was yesterday. Crystal would like to leave a legacy for her children and grandchildren that instill in them that with hard work, dedication and Gods guidance, all things are possible. She believes God comes first, family second and clients are treated as family from the start. Community involvement is also near and dear to her heart and Crystal feels it everyone’s responsibility to ‘be a good neighbor’ which includes a duty to ‘give back’. Crystal further believes that we are all interconnected and have an obligation to each other.
She can be reached on her personal cell phone at 302-222-3349 or by emailing her at crystal@delawarerealestateexperts.com